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(A) Appointment Of Independent Non-Executive Director (B) Change In Composition Of The Commitees

BackNov 01, 2010
The Board of Directors of Frencken Group Limited (the "Company") wishes to announce that Mr Yeo Jeu Nam was appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company with effect from 1 November 2010.

The particulars of Mr Yeo Jeu Nam pursuant to Rule 704(7) of the Listing Manual are contained in a separate announcement.

Consequent to the above appointment, the Audit Committee, Remuneration Commiitte and the Nominating Committee have been reconstituted as follows:-

Audit Committee
a. Ling Yong Wah (Chairman - Independent Director)
b. Chia Chor Leong (Member - Independent Director)
c. Yeo Jeu Nam (Member - Independent Director)

Nominating Committee
a. Chia Chor Leong (Chairman - Independent Director)
b. Dato' Larry Low Hock Peng (Member - Non-Executive Director)
c. Ling Yong Wah (Member - Independent Director)

Remuneration Committee
a. Yeo Jeu Nam (Chairman - Independent Director)
b. Dato' Larry Low Hock Peng (Member - Non-Executive Director)
c. Chia Chor Leong (Member - Independent Director)


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